El robot quirúrgico Bitrack concluye la validación técnica con éxito para entrar en el mercado

El nuevo robot Bitrack System para cirugía laparoscópica mínimamente invasiva, que ha desarrollado la empresa Rob Surgical con especialistas de primera línea internacional, ha finalizado con éxito la validación técnica con modelos experimentales y se prepara para obtener la homologación europea y entrar en el mercado de cara en 2019 www.immedicohospitalario.es/noticia/13075/el-robot-quirurgico-bitrack-concluye-la-validacion-tecnica-con-exi#

Titan Medical and the Institute of Image-Guided Surgery of Strasbourg Announce the First Installation of Sport Surgical System in Europe

Titan Medical announces the installation of a SPORT System for training purposes in the reputated IRCAD of Strasbourg, the same place as Intuitive Surgical and Covidien have their training facilities. http://mailchi.mp/3f98f75022ff/press-release-subject-line-goes-here-2577585?e=58ce03f12a  

Further Procedures with SPORT Surgical System

Titan Medical is sharing a new video clip that provides evidence of progress with the development of the SPORT Surgical System. The clip presents a colorectal procedure demonstration filmed at Florida Hospital Nicholson Center, the site of the first installation of the advanced SPORT Surgical System prototype. The procedure was performed by Dr. Eduardo Parra-Davila.…